The Role Of Windows and Doors

Interiors are often taken as decoration or decorative ideas for the house. I would not like to completely refute the above, but I would certainly like to add that there is much more to the field of interiors that one can do and make the house or room look bigger.
One such simple technique is making the door size increase, especially the main entrance door, which would give the house or the room a grand look. Placing a bigger door makes the entrance majestic. In today’s times where the flat sizes are shrinking, we can use these techniques to make a smaller space bigger and majestic.
As mentioned, the flat sizes are shrinking, with smaller sizes we can always have a cost-effective way to make the rooms and house look bigger by changing the doors and windows of bigger sizes. This will enhance the room. Also, there will be more light in the room making it look brighter, livelier and more liveable.
For the outer door or balcony doors one can use the Pivotal Glass Doors instead of the customary wooden doors.
Similar treatment can be given to the windows of the house in the living room and also in the bedrooms.
The Living Room will certainly be brighter. This also gives a chance to play more with the other décor of the room like the upholstery of the sofa, the color of the furniture and cushions. With bigger windows in place, curtains play a very important role in the décor of the room.
When talking about windows, lets move from the living rooms to the bedrooms and see what happens when we have bigger windows in the bedroom and what effects it brings to them.
Trust me, it just makes the room a paradise when you can see the outside world from the comfort of your bed.
We as a designing firm always suggest to our clients to improvise on these small things to make the space more lively and larger. We have no control on the builder and his offerings in the flat, but as designers we do have control on what we can design or remodel the flat to be.